Working together to create your charity marketing strategy to help you thrive in the years ahead.
What is digital marketing?
With how accessible the internet is today, would you believe me if I told you the number of people who go online every day is still increasing?
It is. In fact, "constant" internet usage among adults increased by 5% in just the last three years, according to Pew Research. And although we say it a lot, the way people shop and buy really has changed along with it -- meaning offline marketing isn't as effective as it used to be.
Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.
Enter digital marketing -- in other words, any form of marketing that exists online. If you are looking to invest in your digital marketing, or just want a bit of guidance on your next steps, I'd love to speak to you.

Search Engine Optimisation
This is the process of optimising your website to "rank" higher in search engine results pages, thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic your website receives.
There are lots of ways to help do this, from looking at the content on your website, to who else is linking to your website, to making sure your website is technically all set up well!

Email Marketing
Having worked with many clients on their email marketing over the years, I'm pleased to partner with Mailchimp to create bespoke templates and journeys for your organisation!
Whether you've been using Mailchimp for years and just need a bit of help and a new template, or if you are starting out from scratch, I can help.

Having the joined up 360 degree view of your supporters or clients allows you to know them better and market to them in the most personalised way possible!
Salesforce helps make this a reality. If you don't already have a CRM where you can really understand your supporters and all their data is joined up - this is likely one of the most important jumps you can make in your marketing journey.